Spb_Plan.jpg (814715 bytes)


Noland.jpg (83898 bytes)

New Holland

WintPal.jpg (440184 bytes)

Winter Palace

alex.jpg (77288 bytes)

Alexandre's Hall in Winter Palace

gemos.jpg (55167 bytes)
The Hall of Gems
in New Hermitage
Yusupovtheatre.jpg (1244840 bytes)
Theatre of Yusupov's palace
VlPuriszk.jpg (48855 bytes)
Władimir Puryszkiewicz
Q3_VolkovoVisconti.jpg (62084 bytes)
Demolished graves of Visconti
artacad.jpg (174351 bytes)
Academy of Arts

ZRumai.jpg (255808 bytes)
Palace embankment

Isaac.jpg (228786 bytes)

Maria's square

Nevsk.jpg (135785 bytes)

Neva avenue

Alexis.jpg (138610 bytes)

Alix and Alexis

MykPil.jpg (102202 bytes)

Michael's Castle

Ciniselli.jpg (203092 bytes)
Gaetano Ciniselli Circus
Anidt.jpg (267783 bytes)

Anichkov Palace

dmp.jpg (120815 bytes)
GD Dmitry
Mjadt.jpg (169611 bytes)
River Mya
A.Benois.jpg (101573 bytes)
Alexandre Benois
Mariindt.jpg (151934 bytes)

Maria's theatre

F2mtea2x2.jpg (231639 bytes)
Maria's theatre orchestra
K. Klosse (2/2 l)
W. Sauerländer (1/1 left)
1937 ? 1938 ?
F8++3_filharmon.jpg (533606 bytes)
Philharm. orch.
G. Tarasenko
(3/3 right)
1895 ?
G6.jpg (66628 bytes)
St. Pater Karp Elb
(Estonian Orthodox Parish in Colomna) before his arrest in 1937
HY--C5--40139.jpg (116467 bytes)
Vekman (1), Martha (4)
1938 01 04
Reformja.jpg (129572 bytes)
Reformed Evangelical Church on Mya before 1917

The same building disfugured after 1917 as a sign of alien culture (cf. Kaliningrad)

Leningrad_1976.jpg (157109 bytes)
Leningradised town, 1976


Koka Ekimov's flat on Catharine canal

C5i7ek= .jpg (16684 bytes)
Martha and Vasia 1903
C5i7_1904ek=.jpg (136015 bytes)

Koka Ekimov's 1st flat No. 64 on 2, Konyushennaya str.

A8A9=i7C5H9_080510kj1a.jpg (127974 bytes)

Martha, Vasia, Lyodia
K.Henkel's portrait in the background 1910, 8 05

C5_1914kj1.jpg (63709 bytes) C4_1915.ky1.jpg (60995 bytes) i7G5H9H9C5_80510kj1a.jpg (125431 bytes)

Vasia, Lyodia, Martha
1910, 8 05

C5kj1_1a.jpg (86117 bytes)


C5kj1_b.jpg (62852 bytes) C4ky1.jpg (61872 bytes)


D8_1912kj1.jpg (76634 bytes)
Brother Feodore with his father reflected in mirror
F3C5i7J3-kj1.jpg (1216541 bytes)

Maria (Dukhna), Martha, Vasia, Sanda, 
Lilia Zakrzewska

H2L3H9K2i7H1ky1.jpg (41800 bytes)
Masha with Koka Wagner, Olga
Lyodia, Nicolas Wagner, Vasia
H9S8i7_1911kj1.jpg (73173 bytes)
Lyodia, Tamara, Vasia
i7H9_1911kj1.jpg (116939 bytes)
Vasia, Lyodia. 1911
C5D6i7L3G4C4K2C6H9J3A6F3L1D8S8_1912kj1.jpg (101028 bytes)
Kotia's christening party, 1912 C5D6i7K2G4C4K1C6H9J3A6F3L1D8S8 Cf.  ORIGINS with deciphering
K2-L3=i7J3H7S8_1912kj1.jpg (170524 bytes)
Kotia's christening party, 1912
Nicolas and Koka Wagner, Vasia,
Lyodia, Sanda with Kotia, Tamara
A6S8_1912kj1.jpg (130448 bytes)
Basily Ekimov with his great granddaughter Tamara. 1912
J3L1C6_1912kj1.jpg (67334 bytes)
Sanda, Nina, Maria Visconti 
i7C4H7H9kj1.jpg (115852 bytes)

Vasia, Koka, Kotia, Lyodia

i7C5H7H9kj1.jpg (82661 bytes)

Vasia, Martha, Kotia, Lyodia

H7i7H9_1916ky1.jpg (79973 bytes)
Kotia, Vasia, Lyodia


Koka Ekimov's 2nd flat No. 14 on 2, Konyushennaya str.

H7C5C4_161228kj2.jpg (237131 bytes)

Kotia, Martha, Koka Ekimov
1928, 16 12

C4_1937ky2.jpg (31985 bytes)
Koka, 1937
C4_1951ky2.jpg (27050 bytes)
C4_1957ky2.jpg (18437 bytes)
i1R1C5i1i7_1937kj2.jpg (60536 bytes)
Nadia, Yusha
In the mirror: Martha, Nadia, Vasia
H8_1939kj2.jpg (50548 bytes)
Q8R1_1938kj2a.jpg (1061053 bytes)
Ina and Yusha
O2H9R1.jpg (89087 bytes)
Carl Eliasberg, Lyodia, Yusha
L1D5J3D6C5i1H8H7K7_1938ky2.jpg (99083 bytes)

Wedding party of Kotia and Tania L1D5J3D6C5i1H8H7K7

Cf.  ORIGINS with deciphering

H8F3C4i7C5_1940kj2.jpg (124517 bytes)

Mirror reflection of
Tania, Dukhna, Koka, Vasia, Martha

Q3R5R1Q8_1952ky2.jpg (39547 bytes)
Mika, Toma, Yusha, Ina. 1952
R1H9i1Q8ky.jpg (100666 bytes)
Yusha, Lyodia, Nadia, Ina, Zeiss 1958
S8C4H7C5H8_311256kj2.jpg (46571 bytes)

Tamara, Koka, Kotia, Martha, Tania. 
1957, 01 01

C5H7_1963.jpg (75140 bytes)

Martha with her son Kotia, 1963

H7H9i1_0173.jpg (49328 bytes)
Kotia, Lyodia and Nadia
VicaY9Q8H9_70596.jpg (126355 bytes)

4 generations: Vika, Lena, Ina, Lyodia. 1996, 7 05


Constantin Klosse's flat No. 27 on 54, Officerskaya str.

Of_1916.jpg (338091 bytes)
End of the Officerskaya str. nearing England ave.  On the right, behind the St. John Church, there is a 5-storeyed house of the Estonian Community with Masterskaya str. going rightwards behind this house. 1916
F3of.jpg (38414 bytes)
Maria Klosse (Dukhna), 1938
Of_1960.jpg (110119 bytes)

Glance at 54, Officerskaya str. (last 5-storeyed building on the left)
from the crossing of Masterskaya and Torgovaya

H8H7_1938of.jpg (32812 bytes)
Tania, Kotia, 1938
H7H8F3C5C4of.jpg (54922 bytes)

Kotia, Tania, Dukhna with her sister Martha, Koka. 

M5H7Q3M4H8_1957of.jpg (60619 bytes)
Kotia (2/1), Mikas (1/2) with mama (1/3) and guests Natalie (1/1) and Nicolas (2/2) Klosse, 1957




C4i7C5df_2.jpg (193424 bytes)
Koka, Vasia, Martha
Ca. 1907
C4=-df.jpg (257073 bytes)


1908VII08F3_A9_F3=--i7stvirs-----df1.jpg (220704 bytes)
Dukhna, ?, ?, Vasia,
chief of the r/ station
----D5-.jpg (419414 bytes)
?,?,?,?, Michael Ekimov, ?
C4D5.jpg (314097 bytes) 
Brothers Koka and Michael
C4H3-HX=-df.jpg (52179 bytes)
Koka, Bolin, ?, Hasenkampf?, ?
D5J3C6C4df.jpg (686163 bytes)
Michael Ekimov, Sanda and Maria Visconti, Koka
Ca. 1907
---C4-C5df_0.jpg (188069 bytes)
?, ?, ?, Koka, ?, Martha
C5df.jpg (439963 bytes)
C4D8+_1900.jpg (292391 bytes)
Brothers Koka, Feodore, ?
-+--H3-C4.jpg (189490 bytes)

?,?,?,?, Bolin, ?, Koka

H3kampe.jpg (362191 bytes)
Bolin at the corner




C5H9i7C4F3K6_1910pf.jpg (156094 bytes)
Martha, Lyodia, Vasia, Koka, Dukhna, Goria
K6H9E4F3i7C5pf.jpg (225696 bytes)
Goria, Lyodia, Karol (Bucynty), Dukhna, Vasia, Martha
HGJXi7C4-C5-JJ=HHH2pf.jpg (79268 bytes)

With the family of Karzhavin. 1911

C4but_pf.jpg (133913 bytes)
C5H9-i7pf.jpg (111241 bytes)
Martha, Lyodia, ?, Vasia. 1911
C5i7H9C6C7pf.jpg (176607 bytes)
Martha,Vasia, Lyodia, Maria and Eugen Visconti
H7i7_091981pf.jpg (104777 bytes)
Kotia, Vasia
1981, 09
H2-----i7_1911pf.jpg (364220 bytes)
Masha Pimenov, children, Vasia
+C4i7hf.jpg (171349 bytes)
Koka with his son Vasia. 1911
C5H9H7C4i7hf_1913a.jpg (166675 bytes)
Martha, Lyodia, Kotia, Koka, Vasia
i7hf.jpg (123942 bytes)
Vasia below the terrace of Monplaisir, 1911
C5Q3_70657pf.jpg (127297 bytes)
Martha with her grandson Mikas, Monplaisir
1957, 7 06
H7Q3C5_70657pf.jpg (150824 bytes)
Kotia, Mikas, Martha at Monplaisir
1957, 7 06
H7_1972pf.jpg (166618 bytes)
Kotia on the terrace of
Monplaisir, 1972




C5C6C7C4pl.jpg (111581 bytes)
?, Maria and Eugen Visconti, Koka
on Visconti bridge
Ca. 1913
A6C7pl.jpg (199008 bytes)
Basily Ekimov and his son-in-law Eugen Visconti on the background 
of the Sawmill Tower
Ca. 1913
C7C5C4H4C6pl.jpg (212435 bytes)
With the wife of ambassador Pokotilo at the stairs of Old Silvia (340218 bytes)
Eugen, Martha, Maria Visconti, Koka at Krick
Ca. 1913
K7pl.jpg (58607 bytes)
Vera Ekimov at Rostat's villa ca. 1937
C4D5_1937pl.jpg (242211 bytes)
Koka with his brother Michael and his daughter in Rostat's villa. 1937
-S8D5-K7SXpl.jpg (194253 bytes)
Driver of Roman, Tamara, Michael, ?, Vera, Roman at Rostat's villa against the
BIP fortress
K7C5C4D6i1H8H9D5K8S6H7pl.jpg (78436 bytes)
At the villa. 1938 K7C5C4D6i1H8H9D5K8S6H7 Cf.  ORIGINS with deciphering
H8H7C5C4_1940=pl.jpg (141595 bytes)
Tania, Kotia, Martha, Koka. 1938
H7Z3T9T8_0879pl.jpg (68045 bytes)
Kotia with Nick, Palmira and Kotia Klosse August 1979




H9i7tymai1_1909cr.jpg (113282 bytes)
Lyodia and Vasia down with measles – at Stables of the Throne Heir. 1909
i7C5H9cr.jpg (96718 bytes)
Vasia, Martha, Lyodia in Catharine's park on the background of the Admiralty. Ca. 1911
D9L1D8S8C7i7-C6J3H9C4C5cr_1a.jpg (145312 bytes)
Else, Nina, Feodore with his granddaughter Tamara, E.Visconti, Vasia, ?, M.Visconti, Sanda, Lyodia, Koka, Martha
i7C5H7H9_1912cr.jpg (52992 bytes)
Vasia, Martha, Kotia, Lyodia at windows of Koka's embankment flat
i7H7C4H9_1912cr.jpg (36023 bytes)
Vasia, Kotia, Koka, Lyodia at the same place. 1912

C5H9H7i7cr.jpg (105729 bytes)
Martha, Lyodia, Kotia, Vasia at Grotto in Catharine's park 1917

i7C5H7H9_1916cr.jpg (134455 bytes)
Vasia, Martha, Kotia, Lyodia in Catharine's park 1917




-----A8-.jpg (92963 bytes)
Rev.K.Henkel (2/4r) and Rev.August Diel (? 2/3r) together with clergy in Warsaw (?) (Ca. 1868 ?)
C3A8C2bn.jpg (43806 bytes)
Konin's clergy: 
Rabbi Hirsz Bieżuński, pastor Karl Henkel, 
a Catholic priest.
F3C5kn.jpg (58482 bytes)
Dukhna and Bibi (Maria and Martha Henkel) at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the old church.  1897 ?
1914kn.jpg (45163 bytes) F3A9.jpg (43475 bytes)
Maria (Dukhna) with her mother Martha Henkel
Konin.jpg (182979 bytes)
Glance at Catholic cathedral and Dluga str. leading to Lutheran church. Konin, Koka's photo
-C5_1897kalisz.jpg (358590 bytes)
Martha Henkel with her schoolmate after finishing gymnasium school in Kalisz. 1897
C4C8D5D8_1898sk.jpg (259977 bytes)
Brothers  Koka, Basily, Michael, Feodore Ekimov
Skierniewice, not later than 1898
F3C5b_kn.jpg (39200 bytes)
Sisters Maria and Martha in the window of pastor's bedroom. Garden side of the Lutheran parsonage.
Ca. 1900
A9-F3C5_kn.jpg (63726 bytes)
Martha Henkel with her daughters Maria (Dukhna) and Martha (Bibi) and a Catholic priest in the salon (1st after the entrance) of the Lutheran parsonage
C4C5kn.jpg (73765 bytes)
Koka with his wife Martha in the window of pastor's bedroom. Ca. 1900
F3C5A9kn_1.jpg (63725 bytes)
Maria, Martha and their mother Martha at the entrance of the parsonage
C5_1900kn1.jpg (175667 bytes)
Martha Ekimov in Konin. 
Ca. 1900
C5A8kn.jpg (365354 bytes)
Martha with her father rev. Karl Henkel on the hill over the parsonage
C4A8kn.jpg (144805 bytes)
Koka with his father-in-law
rev. K. Henkel in the back part of the parsonage garden (?)
Ca. 1900
A9C5C4kn.jpg (61932 bytes)
Martha Henkel née Splittstesser with her daughter Martha and the latter's husband Koka on the hill over the parsonage.
C4_150900RanoDabrowicy.jpg (148678 bytes)
Koka with greyhounds. Dąbrowicy, morning 1900, 15 09
C4_1914=kn.jpg (91010 bytes)
Koka at the entrance to the Lutheran parsonage.
Ca. 1900
C4kargop13drag_kn.jpg (221401 bytes)
The 13th Kargopol dragoon regiment of Russia's 5th Cavalry Division in Konin (Koka is marked C4 on the front side)
kgp2_kn.jpg (539312 bytes)
Koka (standing in the centre) together with
i7C4_1904kn.jpg (67565 bytes)
Koka with his first-born son Vasia in the salon of the Lutheran parsonage. 1903
C5i7kn_1.jpg (234329 bytes)
Martha Ekimov with her first-born Vasia at the arbour of the parsonage garden. 1903
H1=-i7A8H9_1910kn.jpg (177483 bytes)
 Nursey Olga, Lyodia, rev. K.Henkel, Vasia, Martha at the entrance of the parsonage. 1909
C5i7kn_2.jpg (71851 bytes)
Martha Ekimov née Henkel together with her son Vasia in Konin (?)
C5i7A8A9E2F3kn.jpg (68753 bytes)
Bibi (Martha), Vasia, rev. K.Henkel, Martha Henkel, Nyunia (Magdalene) and Dukhna (Maria) at the entrance of the parsonage on its background
C4i7C5EYCZE2F3E6kn.jpg (110930 bytes)
Koka, Vasia, Martha, Zarembówna, Helena Zarembowa (?), Magdalene, Maria, Alexandre at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the church. Ca. 1909
F3i7A9E6AYA8-E2DLD4C5E4kn.jpg (142914 bytes)
Maria, Vasia, Martha Henkel, Alexandre, Baranowa, rev. K.Henkel, ?, Lidia with her husband Alexis Ekimov, Martha Ekimov, Karol at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the church. Ca. 1909
D9A8A9i7E2D6F3C5H9C4kn.jpg (101480 bytes)
Else Ekimov, rev. K.Henkel, Martha Henkel, Vasia, Magdalene, Aglaida Ekimov, Maria, Martha Ekimov, Lyodia, Koka at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the church. Ca. 1909
C5i7-C4_1905kn.jpg (145076 bytes)
Martha Ekimov née Henkel, Vasia, Ludmilla von Wagner née Ekimov (?), Koka Ekimov in the square on the background of Długa str.  in front of the Lutheran church.  Ca. 1905
C5_0710kn.jpg (164030 bytes)
Martha Ekimov née Henkel in the garden of the Lutheran parsonage. A photo dedicated to her husband Koka Ekimov in July 1910
K7K8-K6D6D5kn.jpg (137981 bytes)
Family of Michael Ekimov on way near Konin: Vera, Gulia, Goria, Aglaida, Michael. An unknown person above.

KHZAREMBA=1910=kn.jpg (49803 bytes)
Neighbour industrialist
Karol Hugo Zaremba
at the river Warta

H9KHZAREMBAi7_1910kn.jpg (117487 bytes)
Lyodia, Karol H. Zaremba, Vasia at the churchyard between the parsonage and the church from the garden side, 1910 
 Y2Y3_180702kn2.jpg (103964 bytes)
Pastor K. Henkel's great-great-granddaughters at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the church. 2002, 18 07
Y2Y3_180702kn1.jpg (57048 bytes) 
Pastor K. Henkel's great-great-granddaughters in the window of former bedroom. 2002, 18 07
Y2Y3_180702kn3.jpg (66235 bytes)
At the entrance of the Lutheran parsonage.
2002, 18 07
Y3Y2Q5Q3Y1_180702kn.jpg (142720 bytes)
Pastor K. Henkel's great-grandson with family at the entrance of the parsonage on the background of the church. 2002, 18 07
 Pfarrhus1_1909kn.jpg (242709 bytes)
kirche_1995kn.jpg (22059 bytes)
Pfarrhus2_1909kn.jpg (246268 bytes)
1909: glance from the garden at the arbour, parsonage and Zaremba's  factory with the house
Pfarrhus_180702kn.jpg (125197 bytes)
2002: glance from the garden at the parsonage, place of the arbour and the church




A7A6_1900gr4.jpg (95623 bytes)
Anna née Schenken and Basily Ekimov
A6A7_1900gr.jpg (190921 bytes)
Basily and Anna on the entrance terrace
Grnam3_1900gr.jpg (102058 bytes)
Frontage with the entrance terrace
Grnam1_1900gr.jpg (201901 bytes)
Estate house from the front
Grnam2_1900gr.jpg (93957 bytes)
A7_1908gr.jpg (285618 bytes)
The inscription "1908" on the reverse side seems to be erroneous instead of 1903
++K0+D3K2D2+A7D7J6D1J9-J8A6L1_1900gr.jpg (183558 bytes)
Relatives of the kin in 1900:

Cf.  ORIGINS with deciphering
D2L1J8_1900gr.jpg (128762 bytes)
Anna Ekimov, her nephew (brother of Zhenka?), her niece Nina Ekimov and nephew Zhenka Oparin on the entrance terrace. 1900
D7D1A7-C4-D2D6A6L1_1900gr.jpg (149769 bytes)
Eugenia (? daughter of Basily's brother Michael), Olga Oparin (Basily's daughter), Anna (Basily's wife), ?(in front), Koka Ekimov, ?, Anna, Aglaida (? sister of Eugenia), Basily Ekimov, his granddaughter Nina in 1900
GrUturgoshNovg_1900gr.jpg (88909 bytes)
The village of Gorodishche near Luga (r/way st. Utorgosh) in the district of Novgorod.
Ca. 1900 
A6C4A7D7=D2J8L1D6_1900gr.jpg (196844 bytes)
Basily, Koka, Anna the Mother, Eugenia (?), Anna, Zhenka Oparin, his brother (? above) , Nina, Aglaida (?) at the entrance terrace. 1900
J6J5D1A6A7_1900gr.jpg (123270 bytes)
Feodore and Anna (?), children of Basily's son Basily, and their aunt Olga Oparin with her parents Basily and Anna. 1900
C4A6A7gr.jpg (232836 bytes)
Koka with his parents Basily and Anna
A6C4A7_1903gr.jpg (108374 bytes)
In the salon: Koka (middle) with his parents Basily and Anna. 1903
A6C4_1900gr1.jpg (148691 bytes)
In the salon: Basily Ekimov with his son Koka
C4L1_1901gr.jpg (254109 bytes)
Nina, daughter of Basily's son Feodore in the salon (in the mirror: her uncle Koka Ekimov taking this shot) 1901
A7C4_1900gr.jpg (128624 bytes)
Koka with his mother Anna Ekimov née Schenken in the salon. 1900
A7D6=D7L1J9-D3_1900gr.jpg (173926 bytes)
The terrace photo of 1900. Aglaida and Eugenia (?) above, Nina is coming down. At the bottom: Anna with her granddaughter Nyura (?), daughter Ludmilla von Wagner and grandson (Oparin?)
A7A6_1900gr3.jpg (129630 bytes)
Anna and Basily Ekimov.
A6-A7J9=C5C4K2=D3J8_1900gr.jpg (163035 bytes)
Basily, ?, Anna, Nyura(?), Martha, Koka, Koka von Wagner with his mother Ludmilla, Zhenka Oparin.
C5A7_1900gr.jpg (38273 bytes)
Martha with her mother-in-law Anna. 1900
A7A6_1900gr2.jpg (123813 bytes)
Anna and Basily. 1900
J6C5J8J9D1A7JY_1900gr.jpg (140681 bytes)
Feodore (?), son of Basily's son Basily, Martha, Nyura (above), her brother Zhenka and mother Olga Oparin with the latter's mother  Anna and the other son (?). 1900
JY-F3A7C5A6gr.jpg (86603 bytes)
Son of Olga Oparin(?), ?, Maria Henkel (Dukhna), Anna, Martha, Basily on the entrance terrace
A7_1903gr.jpg (112355 bytes)
Anna in the dining-room. 1903
C5i7A7_1903kn.jpg (87676 bytes)
Martha with her son Vasia and her mother-in-law Anna. 1903
i7A7_1903gr.jpg (67431 bytes)
Anna Ekimov née Schenken with her grandson Vasia 1903
C5C4_1903gr.jpg (122145 bytes)
Martha and Koka in the dining-room. 1903
mtA6D2C5A7_1900gr.jpg (188206 bytes)
Rural teacher, Basily Ekimov, his daughter Anna, daughter-in-law Martha and wife Anna in the dining-room
C5i7J3Karinka_gr.jpg (124002 bytes)
Vasia, son of Koka and Martha, and Sanda, foster-daughter of Maria Visconti née Ekimov, with Karinka. The reverse side dedication of Martha to her parents in Polish (Viskonti is written Viskonki). 1904
C5gr.jpg (167324 bytes)
Martha Ekimov née Henkel in Gorodishche
C5gr=.jpg (95648 bytes)
Martha in Gorodishche
E4gr.jpg (44255 bytes)
Martha's brother Karol Henkel (Bucynty) in Gorodishche
L1D4C5C7J9J3K5=C6K9D5+D8C4A6_1904gr.jpg (210898 bytes)
Funeral of Anna Ekimov née Schenken: grd. Nina, s. Alexis, daughter-in-law Martha, son-in-law Eugen, grd. Nyura, d's foster-d. Sanda, s's Michael d. Maria, d. Maria Visconti, brother-in-law's grd. Lilia, s. Michael, s. Feodore with his servant, s. Koka, husband Basily. 1904
A6cap_gr.jpg (291195 bytes)
Basily at the chapel with the remains of his wife Anna. 1904
C7C8-J6J5C5i7J3L1J9C4A6C6_1904gr.jpg (719158 bytes)
Cf.  ORIGINS with deciphering.
1904 (at Anna's funeral?)
K2D3K1K0gr.jpg (72683 bytes)
Ludmilla von Wagner, daughter of Anna and Basily, with her children Koka, Nickolai and Olga in Gorodishche
J3A6C6C4H4-C7C5i7D1=_1904gr.jpg (173486 bytes)
Sanda, Basily, Maria with Karinka, Koka, Ms. Pokatilov with her daughter (?), Eugen Visconti, Martha and Vasia, Olga Oparin in Gorodishche.
Ca. 1910
F3J3A6C6C7H4-C5i7D1=gr.jpg (155163 bytes)
Dukhna, Basily, Sanda with her foster-mother Maria, Eugen, Ms. Pokatilova, ?, Martha with Vasia, Olga




M3F3M4F2.jpg (115006 bytes)
Lisa, Maria (Dukhna), Nicolas, Constantin Klosse. 1913
F3F2_1930ng.jpg (90261 bytes)
Dukhna with her husband Constantin Klosse in the wooden outhouse (14, Slavnaya str.). 1930
C4Slavnaya14fl.jpg (46414 bytes)
Koka on the balcony of the wooden outhouse. Ca. 1940
SlavnayaNg.jpg (23230 bytes)
Brick house nationalised by the Bolsheviks (14, Slavnaya str.) and the wooden house of Constantin's sister Maria Tarasenko 
(12, Slavnaya str.)  before World War II
Slavnaja12sod_1935ng.jpg (88277 bytes)
Garden side of the house of Tarasenko on 12, Slavnaya str. (view from Klosse's wooden outhouse). 1935
F2F3T8M5ng.jpg (62910 bytes)
Constantin Klosse with his wife Maria, daughter-in-law Natalie and grandson Kotia
M4C5C4ng.jpg (85053 bytes)
Nicolas Klosse with Martha and Koka in his boat on Volkhov against Slavnaya str.
T8C5C4M4_1938=ng.jpg (118820 bytes)
Kotia Klosse, Martha, Koka, Nicolas Klosse in Nicolas' schwerbot on Volkhov
M5T8F3.jpg (115824 bytes)
Natalie, Kotia, Maria (Dukhna) Klosse
Slavnaya_1998ng.jpg (35806 bytes)
Glance of 1998 at remnants of 14 Slavnaya brick house. House No. 12 lacks. Photo by Kotia Ekimov, Mikas and Juze
+i1Q8M5F3R1H9C4C5T8_1940ng.jpg (194866 bytes)
Nursey, Nadia, Ina, Natalie, Dukhna, Yusha with his grandfather Koka, Lyodia, Martha, Kotia Klosse in garden of the wooden outhouse. 1940
-Q8MXMYT8TXM5R1_1939ng.jpg (85490 bytes)
Ina, Natalie's mother (?), Kir, Nonna and Valery Strupp, Kotia and Natalie Klosse with Yusha. 1939
R1Q8_1940ng2.jpg (117904 bytes)
Yusha and Ina. 1940
R1F3Q8_1940ng.jpg (64311 bytes)
Yusha, Dukhna, Ina. 1940
M4M5.jpg (53035 bytes)
Nicolas Klosse and Natalie Klosse née Strupp




F7F8tj.jpg (154062 bytes)
Maria Tarasenko née Klosse, Gregory Tarasenko
F7N3F8N2-G5tj.jpg (276490 bytes)
Maria, Eugen, Gregory, Anatole Tarasenko, ?, Alice Kötzberg
F7-G5tj.jpg (213872 bytes)
Maria, ?, Alice
F7H8F8tj.jpg (224566 bytes)
Maria, Tania, Gregory Tarasenko
G5--F7H8-F8N3=tj.jpg (231497 bytes)
Alice Kötzberg, ?, Boris Mironenko?, Maria with Tania, ?, Gregory, Eugen(?) Tarasenko




Narutowicz1_1925nm.jpg (159515 bytes)
House purchased by Hugo Marx on 1, Narutowicz Al. Former owners, Marie and Wilhelm Spanowski, probably seen at the gate on the right. 
L5A9L6E2E3_1928nm.jpg (134722 bytes)
Sisters Maria and Alina Marks, Martha Henkel, her daughter Nyunia (Magdalene) with husband Hugo Marx.
L6+++L5+--E3E2+++++_1946nm.jpg (79162 bytes)
Alina (left-2/1 left), Maria (l-1/3 left), Hugo's brother(?centr.l.), Hugo Marx, Nyunia (r-1/l left).
L5E2L6L7_1952nm.jpg (79253 bytes)
Maria, Nyunia, Alina, Tadeusz Sikorski.
E2L5E4L8_1962nm.jpg (46827 bytes) 
Magdalene with her daughter  Maria Marks, brother Karol Henkel and the latter's son Ryszard. 1962
L7L6L5_0893nm.jpg (57949 bytes)
Tadeusz, Alina, Maria.
August 1993
Q3konstanty_200501nm.jpg (90748 bytes)
Mikas and Maria's friend Konstanty.
2001, 20 05
Y1Q3L5sabina_190501nm.jpg (74702 bytes)
Pastor K. Henkel's great-great-granddaughter Juze, her father Mikas, his grandmother Martha's niece Maria Marks and neighbour Sabina Tessmer 
(not the same corner as in 1952).
2001, 19 05




E4oberbalkon_200104sz.jpg (87660 bytes)
House in which dwelled Karol Henkel Bucynty till his moving to Warsaw
(upper balcony on the right) 

M1E4L8_1973sz.jpg (102799 bytes)
Karol Henkel with his sons Jerzy and Ryszard (in his single room with balcony in communal hostel-flat). 1973




A1.jpg (22244 bytes)
Ekim Ekimov
A2.jpg (60306 bytes)
Paraskeuve Ekimov néeYakovleva (i.e. Jacob's daughnter?)
A3.jpg (79210 bytes)
Anne-Marie Schenken 
née Palmen
A6ky1.jpg (43288 bytes)
Basily Ekimov
A7a.jpg (129318 bytes)
Anna Ekimov 
née Schenken
A5a4.jpg (86579 bytes)
Clara Möller née Klosse,
Paul Möller
A8.jpg (24431 bytes)
Karl Henkel
1884 (?)
A8_1915=.jpg (90044 bytes)
Karl Henkel. 1915
A9.jpg (42521 bytes)
Martha Henkel 
née Splittstoesser
A9_1915.jpg (29295 bytes)
Martha Henkel. 1915
A9b.jpg (47732 bytes)
Martha Henkel. 1935
B5B7B4B6.jpg (52932 bytes)
Helene, Catharine, Laura (B4), Angeline Möller
B4a.jpg (34426 bytes)
Laura Möller
B4d.jpg (110973 bytes)
Laura Klosse 
née Möller
B4b.jpg (38791 bytes)
Laura Klosse
B4e.jpg (66638 bytes)
Laura Klosse
B4c.jpg (41407 bytes)
Laura Klosse
A5diary.jpg (31171 bytes)

B4album.jpg (42270 bytes)

F7B4F4B1F2.jpg (57614 bytes)
Marie, Laura, Paul, Constantin Senior, Constantin Junior Klosse
B8.jpg (30221 bytes)
Rapiel Eristavi
C4_1898df.jpg (79713 bytes)
Koka Ekimov. 1898
C4_Gravelota_dt.jpg (260809 bytes)
Gravelota, Konin
C4_1923.jpg (40911 bytes)
Koka. 1923
C4_1958Narva.jpg (27859 bytes)
Narva-Jõesuu, 1958
C5.jpg (38189 bytes)
Martha Henkel Jun.
C5a.jpg (59382 bytes)

Martha Ekimov née Henkel in Konin

C5_A9.jpg (321860 bytes)
Martha's Polish letter of autumn 1904 to her mother in Konin telling about new appointment of her husband

C5C4.jpg (27698 bytes)
Martha, Koka.

C5_1938dj.jpg (74327 bytes)
Martha Ekimov.
Dederkoi, 1938
C6a.jpg (55764 bytes)
Maria Ekimov
C6b.jpg (67744 bytes)
Maria Visconti 
née Ekimov
C7J3D6.jpg (147124 bytes)
Eugen, Sanda, Maria Visconti
C7C6J3_1911.jpg (110684 bytes)
Eugen, Maria, Sanda Visconti. 1911
C7C6J3karinka_1916.jpg (77075 bytes) 
Eugen, Maria, Sanda Visconti. 1916
C9.jpg (27834 bytes) D2.jpg (128873 bytes)
Anna Ekimov. Gorodishche, 1900
D3=.jpg (33939 bytes)
Ludmilla Ekimov
D3b.jpg (55701 bytes)
Ludmilla von Wagner 
née Ekimov
DD.jpg (73596 bytes)
Nicolas von Wagner
1905II14E6_F3.jpg (378638 bytes)
Alexandre Henkel's letter to his sister Maria Henkel from revolted Sosnowiec.
1905, 14 02
D5_C4.jpg (478578 bytes)
Michael Ekimov going to supress revolutionists in Sosnowiec.
D5_Memoria.jpg (145445 bytes)
Michael Ekimov
 D5_Meridian.jpg (148432 bytes)
D5c.jpg (266203 bytes)
Michael Ekimov
D5.jpg (33929 bytes) D5vlad38drag.jpg (121941 bytes)
As Commander of 13th Vladimir Lancers' regiment, 1915
D6b.jpg (46996 bytes)
Aglaida Ekimov
née Ekimov, 1916
 D6a.jpg (54875 bytes) D8_b2.jpg (93391 bytes)
Feodore Ekimov
D8.jpg (25262 bytes)
D8_1926.jpg (33996 bytes)
D9.jpg (53764 bytes) 
Elisabeth Ekimov
D8L3.jpg (42166 bytes)
Feodore, Goga
F3.jpg (19370 bytes)
Maria Henkel (Dukhna)
E2.jpg (18494 bytes)
Magdalene Henkel (Nyunia)
E2_1943=.jpg (31254 bytes)
Magdalene Marks 
née Henkel
Ca. 1943
E4a.jpg (32434 bytes) 
Karol Henkel (Buciu)
Ca. 1906
E4b.jpg (26905 bytes)
E4_IX34.jpg (25817 bytes)

E5E4_100335bl.jpg (52236 bytes)
1935, 10 03
E4_1937.jpg (154393 bytes)
Karol, ?
E4_1948.jpg (16298 bytes)
Karol Henkel
E4_180657.jpg (72651 bytes)

1948, Krynica
E4_040660.jpg (36243 bytes)

E4_0368.jpg (32913 bytes)

E5.jpg (25136 bytes) 
Bronisława Henkel
E8B7.jpg (56399 bytes)
Catharine, Catharine Metz née Möller
E8E7.jpg (54301 bytes)
Catharine, Georg Metz
E9.jpg (29330 bytes)
Waldemar Metz
F4_1885.jpg (43160 bytes)
Paul von Klosse
F4a.jpg (52378 bytes)  F4c.jpg (38802 bytes) F5F4.jpg (30098 bytes)
Therese, Paul
von Klosse
F7F6F2.jpg (52547 bytes) 
Marie, Elvine-Helene, Constantin Klosse
F2.jpg (38385 bytes)
Constantin Klosse
F7a.jpg (26278 bytes)
Marie Klosse
F8_240397.jpg (17057 bytes)
Gregory Tarasenko 1897
F8F7.jpg (59280 bytes) F7H8.jpg (47672 bytes)
Marie Tarasenko née Klosse, Tania Tarasenko. 1912
G5H8.jpg (41671 bytes)
Tania, Alice Kötzberg
H8F7.jpg (36900 bytes)
Tania, Marie Tarasenko
F8c.jpg (28785 bytes)
Gregory Tarasenko
F8a.jpg (19373 bytes) H8F8.jpg (46405 bytes) 
Tania, Gregory Tarasenko
F8b.jpg (64628 bytes)
+++F8kislovodsk.jpg (82147 bytes)
F8_1935.jpg (34945 bytes)
Gregory Tarasenko 1935
H8.jpg (27814 bytes)
Tania Tarasenko 1911
H8a.jpg (35788 bytes) H8b.jpg (25655 bytes) H8_1941.jpg (37432 bytes)
Tania Ekimov. 1941
H8H7.jpg (23234 bytes)
Tania Ekimov née Tarasenko, Kotia Ekimov. 1938
H7C5_1912kj1=.jpg (48374 bytes)
Kotia, Martha Ekimov. 1912, 02/03
G4.jpg (27695 bytes)
Olga von Reische-Ritt
C5H7H2=_1913.jpg (151108 bytes)
Martha Ekimov, Kotia Ekimov, Masha Pimenov (?), 1913
H7S8_1913.jpg (117073 bytes) 
Kotia Ekimov,
Tamara Pyatnitskaya
H9H2H7i7.jpg (145609 bytes)
Lyodia, Masha Pimenov (?), Kotia, Vasia
C4H7kj1.jpg (88849 bytes)
Koka Ekimov, Kotia. 1915
H7C4_1915=.jpg (69522 bytes)
H7.jpg (26251 bytes) H7_1938ky2.jpg (55061 bytes)
H7studentai_40678a.jpg (61756 bytes)
1978, 4 06
H7_2000.jpg (25966 bytes)
Kaunas, 2000
Y1H7Q3Y2Y1_200299ku.jpg (138154 bytes)
Juze, Kotia Ekimov, Mika, Maria, Martha.
Kaunas, 1999, 20 02
C4i7_1904.jpg (115808 bytes) 
Koka, Vasia. 1904
H9C5I7~1.jpg (85450 bytes)
Lyodia, Martha, Vasia. 1906
H9_1906.jpg (259280 bytes)
Lyodia. 1906
H9.jpg (30667 bytes)
H9C5C4_1937vyritsa.jpg (65193 bytes)
Lyodia, Martha, Koka. Vyritsa, 1937
i7_301005a.jpg (143217 bytes)
Vasia, 1905 10 13
i7_1912.jpg (53692 bytes) i7_1912kn.jpg (152828 bytes)
Konin, 1912
i7_1937kj2.jpg (74735 bytes)
K0K1K2.jpg (30515 bytes)
Olga, Nicolas, Koka 
von Wagner
K3.jpg (75064 bytes)
Lyolia (Lusi)
von Wagner
K3Dmitri.jpg (37866 bytes) 
Dmitry Chepurnov, Lyudmila (Lyusi) Chepurnov née von Wagner
M6F4.jpg (71559 bytes)
Constance (Stania), Paul von Klosse
M6a.jpg (63033 bytes) 
M6b.jpg (82396 bytes) M6d.jpg (53563 bytes) M6f_hs.jpg (96249 bytes)
 M6.jpg (50861 bytes)
Constance (Stania) Adelheid  von Klosse
M8F5M9.jpg (31582 bytes)
Theodor, Therese, Eugenia-Concordia von Klosse
M8a.jpg (102985 bytes)
Theodor von Klosse
M9F2M6.jpg (40771 bytes)
Eugenia, Constantin, Stania von Klosse
N2N3.jpg (24504 bytes)
Anatole, Eugen Tarasenko
N7_1946.jpg (32669 bytes)
Victorine Stulov
K6_C4C5.jpg (309797 bytes)
Goria Ekimov
VXC5F3i7Q3H8-i8R5C4_1951ss.jpg (272697 bytes)
+, Martha, Dukhna, Vasia, Mika, Tatiana, +, Nina, Thoma, Koka. Sestroretsk, 1951
S8.jpg (23917 bytes)
Tamara Pyatnitsky
S9.jpg (36406 bytes)
Donat Godlewski
R1i1Q8_1937ky2.jpg (48945 bytes)
Yusha, Nadia, Ina
R1M5i1Q8H8Q3H9_1948ps_2.jpg (177811 bytes)
Yusha, Natalie Klosse, Nadia, Ina, Tania, Mika, Lyodia. 1948
Q8_1951=.jpg (59105 bytes)
Alexandra (Ina) Ekimov. 1951
Q8_1953=.jpg (81603 bytes) R1Q8_1954.jpg (63212 bytes)
Andrew (Yusha), Alexandra (Ina)
Q8_1954.jpg (64021 bytes) R1Q8-S7_1958kj.jpg (181693 bytes)
Zeiss, Yusha, Ina, +, Eugenia Zakrzewska
Q8H7Q3H8R1_150560pl.jpg (230813 bytes)
Ina, Kotia, Mika, Tania, Yusha. Paulovsk,
1960, 15 05
Q3_1973.jpg (53782 bytes)
Mika. 1973
i7_R4.jpg (18670 bytes)
Vladimir Ekimov
T9T8.jpg (30680 bytes)
Palmira, Kotia Klosse
U3U5_120139.jpg (57398 bytes)
Sveta, Lyuda Tarasenko
U3.jpg (36197 bytes)
Svetlana Tarasenko
ZWSW.jpg (157303 bytes)
Ludmilla, Nina
von Wagner